Monday, August 21, 2006


Peru is on Central Time. I could call Chicago and we’d be reading the same numbers on the clock. However, when my friends in the states experience Daylight Savings Time, we’ll be on Eastern Time; they don’t change over here.

The currency is called a sole. One US dollar is worth about 3 soles. We can eat here for less than one dollar per person per day.

It takes about two days for anything to dry here in the jungle. My hair rarely dries out between showerings. It’s nice to have more than one towel; towels are always damp.

We are currently staying in a teeny tiny two room apartment on the SDA mission compound, seven people and more than 20 huge pieces of luggage. When we eat we sit on the floor, or on boxes or suitcases, and we’re all bumping into each other. It’s a challenge to bathe or change your clothes because you have to move or rearrange so much stuff to get to your stuff.

It’s the most crammed living situation I’ve ever experienced. I like it. We share everything. Dishes, bedding, shoes, soap, whatever.

Yesterday I was at the market with Jenni and we saw a baby anteater! He was just wandering around eating scraps, like a pig. Cute, but not friendly. I watched him for a while and then he kind of charged me. I was spooked and left him alone.


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