Friday, July 27, 2007

Do not use an aerosol can as a hammer

(When Carly locked the keys in the other room, she had to scale the wall to get them, thus providing a good picture of our kitchen/storage/closet).

Siesta, the period of an hour or two after lunch when everyone sits around and does nothing, was wrapping up, and Carly and I were preparing our paperwork for the afternoon visits. I invested in five minutes of housecleaning in our kitchen/storage/closet. We still had a little wall space left, so I decided to tack up one of the posters we had made featuring last week's memory verse.

I dug through one of our duffles for the baggie of tacks and nails, then looked around for a suitable hammer. I grabbed our super sized aerosol can of Repel, 40% deet, thinking, "It looks like metal, so it should make a good hammer," and ignoring the "WARNING, Contents Under Pressure," message, printed neatly across the bottom.

You would think I would have understood, it was even written in my mother tongue.

I raised the can and swung. Wham, Wham, WHAM, POW! There was a deafening explosion, and suddenly a thick fog of bug spray filled my field of vision as it hissed in every direction around the room. I was spooked, and befuddled at first as to what had happened.

I lept from our kitchen/storage/closet, spraying can still in hand, then hurled it into the dirt yard.

Bug spray drenched my khaki shrts, the walls of our room, and the poster.

"Well," I thought, "That wasn't one of my brightest moments."

And so I learned that an aerosol can was not made for use as a hammer, just like I learned last week that a giant 100 floor puzzle was NOT made for 100 children. Maybe I can just leave that scenario to your imagination.


Blogger Brittnie said...

HAhahaha!! Oh Ansley! Great story! I have so many moments like that when some other reaction such as anger, or crying seem to be more instinctual, but then in the moment all you can do is laugh at your own stupidity. I dropped and broke my second camera a couple of days ago. I wanted to cry, but I had to laugh.

8:04 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Payne said...

:) I can see myself doing the same thing too! haha :) I guess bugs won't be a problem for awhile inside your hut!! :) Ahhhh....the lessons we learn in life....

8:24 AM  

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