Monday, October 30, 2006

How to start the day

Alex and I left the house at 5:00 am to go running. John was resting due to strained arches, and Jackson was coming later, behind us.

The sun was on its way up, but for the moment a thick mist hung down across the grass fields, and the air was cool. We listened as the jungle birds sang their lusty morning song.

We ran awkwardly at first, trying to push ourselves forward while muscles and nerves seemed too sleepy to communicate with each other. Slowly, we found rhythm and picked up the pace, no longer needing to give thought to movement.

I watched as the sun embraced the sparkling tops of the trees at the edge of the jungle, stretched out its rays, and worked itself across the dirt road towards us.

The sticky warm wind blew across our bare arms and faces, already slick with sweat.

It was a beautiful morning.

I thought, I am the luckiest girl in the world.


Blogger Thrushsong said...

And I'm the luckiest Dad.

6:24 PM  

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