Thursday, February 08, 2007

Mango Season

I know I'm in the right place when I look out the window at the mision and see the ground littered with mangos, freshly plopped down from the trees.

I love mangos. I love how I can walk out the door any time I want and eat them.

These are the kind that fit nicely in the palm of your hand, and the kind that are still green when ripe. If you eat the flesh your teeth will fill with thick pulpy strings.

I've gotten lazy because of the abundance of fruit. I eat the mangos like the Peruvians do: bite off a chunk of peel at the top and spit it out, then suck out all the creamy juiciness while the pulp stays inside. You can mash up the fruit while it is still protected by the peel by squeezing it in your hands, and that is how you get out the most juice.


Blogger Julianne said...

My mouth is watering...

5:18 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I loved your blog about the mangos! I grew up in Yarinacocha eating the mangos you describe. I'm pretty sure there will be mangos in Heaven. :-)



6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the corners of your mouth get sore from eating lots of mangos? Mine did in Zimbabwe but Mary had some salve that I used so I could keep eating them!

11:28 AM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

Mmmmm.... mangos :)

I miss you Ansley :)
This morning I decided to catch up on some blog reading as I ate breakfast, so I've just read through a bunch of your posts... Thank you for writing a kaleidescope of your life - offers a beautiful glimpse into a different world, and broadens my perspective :)
Thank you

Dios te bendiga,


6:11 AM  
Blogger Caitlin said...

it's really 9:12 sunday morning... not 6:11 :)

6:12 AM  
Blogger Alban said...

¡Que delicioso! Quiero comer unos mangos ahora mismo. Esta mañana Lance y yo hicimos una escena en nuestra clase de Alemán. Yo era el mozo, y él era el cliente. Comimos "Big Franks" y "Martinelli's" en frente de la clase, pero no tuvimos mangos.

11:58 AM  

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