Saturday, September 30, 2006


I heard about my grandmother’s unexpected death from an email on a Friday night. She had passed away on Wednesday, but I had been out at the land and didn’t access have to internet for two more days.

The next morning I was on a plane, headed home to Maryland. It was important for me to be there with my family. I wanted to be able to say goodbye together.

I sat in Lima for twelve hours, had another 10 hour layover in Newark, and then, quite suddenly, I was home.

I found the week difficult, although comforting. It was an interesting mix of sadness, the embrace of family, the blessings of home, and the unsettling symptoms of culture shock.

As I write this I am on my way back to Peru, 10 days later, somewhere above the Gulf of Mexico between Houston and Lima. I am happy to return to my home in Pucallpa. Home is where the people that I love are. Therefore, I have many homes.


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