Tuesday, December 05, 2006

On our way

Dear Ted and Beth,

So good to talk to you this morning. What a treat. I was thinking today how I wish I could express love to my family in ways beyond emails and words over the phone. I can't come see you, and I can't clean the house for you or make you dinner, and I can't give you gifts. You must know, for now, that when I say that I love you, I'm as good as my word, even though I can't do much about it.

Jackson and I had a good day exploring Cusco, although I think I wore him out with my enthusiasm for mostly abandoned pedestrian streets, smallish cathedrals, and contemporary art museums. Alex and John had a terrific time at Machu Picchu. They are bursting with stories and pictures.

My top favorite place that we visited today was the central market, Mercado San Pedro, which was not touristy at all, just a huge huge market where you could buy everything from spices and pig heads to fragrant lilies and hand knit mittens. I enjoyed taking pictures of bundled Peruvian ladies, bargaining in huddles, and babies sleeping on the cement floor while their mothers sold cheeses and chocolates or sewed trousers on ancient foot peddle sewing machines. You would have loved it, I know.

We have bus tickets ($3.00 for 6 hours on a bus), to a teeny tiny town called Tinqui tomorrow and then on Thursday we'll start our trek. I won't be on internet for at least a week. Don't worry about us, between the four of us we have a lot of random survival skills and we'll be fine. Also, we going to hike the first day, and if it doesn't go well, we can always hike on back. I'm super excited. I love the mountains, and it will be a week of freeness--no alarm clocks, no sitting on buses, and no need to pay for hostels. Lovely.

Although I have sounded like a frog all day, I'm feeling better, and confident that patience and a lot of sleep will restore me to health again.

I love you,


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