Friday, August 25, 2006

Tarantula at large

Yesterday Jackson and Anthony caught a brown hairy tarantula while they were cutting boards for our house in the jungle. They carried him back to Km 38 in Jackson’s nalgene, then transferred him to a plastic bottle with a funnel placed on top so he could breathe.

We all sat around the table, looking at him. That was a big spider, as big as my hand, just beastly. And he was mad, too, rearing up against the plastic, trying to bite. I got the heebie jeebies just from watching him watch me.

At night time we left him on the kitchen table, so we could take pictures and then free him in the morning.

At breakfast, he was gone. The bottle was empty. Jose, the caretaker, told us a rat had knocked the bottle over at night, letting the spider loose. The family had gotten up and killed the rat, but couldn´t find the spider anywhere.

Jose was not pleased. Tarantulas have a nasty, poisonous bite, and no one wants to be surprised by a tarantula in their workboot.

We found the dead rat in the yard, but for all of our looking and moving stuff, we still don´t know where the spider is.


Blogger Amberley said...

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8:19 PM  
Blogger Amberley said...

This story struck a chord with me. When I was a little girl we caught a tarantula and kept it as a "pet" in a mason jar (it was not nearly as large as yours) until it disappeared one day never to be found again. To put it mildly we were cautious about putting our shoes on for awhile.

I got my Southern Columns in the mail yesterday and was so completely thrilled to find your back page story and ADORABLE picture. (You're so cute!) Anyway, you're a terrific writer and such an adventurer!!! Wow, you are full of stories...that's why it is just so fun to read your blogs here. It was a really good idea to start this!

I'm super proud to be able to say I'm related to you. (makes me feel I'm connected to the Howe Power)

All the best in combating those "herds" of turkeys (you need my dog Keo--turkey chasing is his favorite pass time)

Love you!

8:22 PM  

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